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User:EmlyCole/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Article title
Iron oxide copper gold ore deposits
Article Evaluation
The content of this article, while relevant to the topic is very lacking in detail, and there is little to no citations on any of the information. The existing citations are not mentioned in the text but instead listed at the bottom of the page, making most the information not properly cited.
The lead to this article does have a strong first sentence that summarizes the rest of the page and gives a clear definition on what an IOCG deposit is. the following sentences give good general information such as the common size and grade of the deposits, although the wording could be clearer. This article does do a good job of presenting the information in a seemingly neutral way, but does not include any alternative viewpoints to any of the information, which could lead to a fairly biased article by giving one sided information. The citations in this article are a big problem. Any of the claims made throughout this article do not contain and in text citations, so there is no idea where any of the information is coming from. The citations in this article only exist at the bottom of there page and come from sources that are fairly questionable when it comes to their reliability. Some sources of information are coming from presentations of mining companies which could lead to biased information the interest of the company.
The images in this article are of ore rock found at these deposits, but do not contain sources of the image. There is also a lack of any diagrams on this page which would help supplement the information.
The talk page of this article is very quiet with an initial post upon its creation (2009) stating that it needs more references and another from 2018, adding external links. There does not seem to be that much editing or improvement of this article to come.
This article can be much improved by adding properly cited information and pictures and help improve the information in the page with reputable and citable information.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169136812002351(External sulphur in IOCG mineralization: Implications on definition and classification of the IOCG clan)
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016913681500178X (Gold in iron oxide copper–gold deposits)
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169136816301524(Metal source and tectonic setting of iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits: Evidence from an in situ Nd isotope study of titanite from Norrbotten, Sweden)

Option 2

Article title
Exploitation of natural resources
Article Evaluation
This is a relatively short article , and while start-class seems to be well organized and cited. The lead of this article in the first sentence gives a good definition of what the rest of the article is about and in the following paragraph give a good general overview about the exploitation of resources, and what is included within the article. The general content of this article is lacking as the article is very short. the information that is in this article is very basic, and in the section "Why resources are under pressure" there entire section is presented as bullet points. Another one of the few sections, "Effects on local community's" seems out of place for a general article and could serve better where there is more information on more specific exploitations of natural resources for that example. The writing overall is neutral and unbiased. the sources on this article are good, work and are from reputable sources. Pictures in this article have little to no captions, but contain sources. The article is part of wiki projects economics and environment, so its a good consideration to choose to edit as it has importance. There is many suggestions in the talk page that could be considered when editing the article. Overall its not a terrible article, but could use more information and pictures that have captions to supplement the information.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19256439/(The effect of forest exploitation on structure, diversity, and floristic composition of palmito-dominated Atlantic forests at Misiones, Argentina)
https://www.jstor.org/stable/1818011?seq=1 (A Simple Model of Replenishable Natural Resource Exploitation)

Option 3

Article title
Zinc mining
Article Evaluation
The content of this article is all relevant to the topic. the lead in the first sentences give a good overview of the topic and the following paragraphs give a good overview of the topic. This is a more developed article, c-class. The article is written neutrally and has good citations throughout. On top of this, the photos included all contain sources for the images and contains a diagram, more photos however could be included in the article. The claims made in the article mostly have citations throughout, although there is a few that are lacking proper citations. Overall the formatting and spelling is clear and easy to read, its easy to tell this article is more advanced than some of the start up articles. The references included in this article contain all credible and working links. One thing the article lacks and could be improved upon is adding information to the existing section, especially the production section of this article, there is little to no information in the subject. Overall, the addition of information and adding more detailed pictures to this article with proper citations would be the best way to work on and improve this article. The talk page of this article mentions that it is part of wikiproject mining, which gives it a sense of importance. There is no comments on this talk page.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304386X03000793 (Hydrometallurgical extraction of zinc from zinc ferrites)

Option 4

Article title
World energy resources
Article Evaluation
This is a c-class article and is again a little more developed than a start class article. Right from the start, the lead of this article is only two sentences long, and could use more supplementary information in the opening of it. Although there is very little information, the first few sentences of the lead to give a good definition and general idea of the topic. A issue that was found is the lack of sources on some of the information section in the article, but most was properly sourced and had working links in the references. It is apparent this article is on the more developed side of things because there is a lot of information and references within the article. The writing of the article is also very easy to read and has little to no visible mistakes in it. The information presented is organized and unbiased. The pictures included in this article are cited properly and have good captions written with them. The sources of this article all have working links that I checked, and all come from seemingly reliable sources. This article is already pretty good but some sections, such as the lead and smaller sections on energy resources such as coal have much less information than another resource such as oil. This could lead to less representation of some of the topics than others. The talk page of this article shows that this article is high importance, and is part of wikiproject Energy, so the importance of improving this article sits higher than with some of the other articals looked at. Comments in this section are mostly that of editing external links, and no great improvements needed are mentioned.
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/102396104?(Renewable energy resources)
https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=01_yCAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=world+energy+resources&ots=zTQWUE_BDi&sig=j-mwh4g4_Uex2jXSzP6GN-YJDVY&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=world%20energy%20resources&f=false(World Energy Resources: International Geohydroscience and Energy)